Link to Tasks from Custom Reports
When you generate a Custom Report for Tasks you can now navigate directly to the Task from the Custom Report. Be sure to include the
Task Memo Description
in your columns when you run the report; the Memo Description is now a hyperlink that will take you straight to the task at hand.
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Delete Options and Warrant Plans
Don't worry, if you ever tried to delete an Option or Warrant Plan it wasn't you, it was us. But we've changed and you can now delete any Option or Warrant plan as long as there are no grants associated with the plan. If grants have been made through the plan, simply delete those associated grants first, and then the plan can be deleted as well.
When copying a Custom Report you're brought to the copy
Previously, when copying a Custom Report you would remain on the original report. Instead, you will now be brought to your copy so you can continue to work with your new report without having to navigate to find it first.
  • Shareholding addresses were not updating to the new record when an address was updated
  • When previewing a file in the Virtual Mintue Book from the Table of Contents, instead of showing a preview, the document would download
  • The recently viewed document section on the Dashboard was not updating when a document was viewed from an entity's document section